There are two kinds of people.
Those who get the whole Internet-friend thing and those who don't.
I obviously do.
I am very close to people whom I have never met and may never meet this side of heaven.
But I guarantee you that they are not strangers to me.
Why some people think that we have to meet someone in person to know their heart is beyond me.
Why some people think that a good-hearted, kind, caring friend can't live in another part of the country is beyond me.
Some of these girls I have met.
Some I talk to on the phone.
Some I text.
Some I email.
Others I blog and FB stalk.
But they are my friends.
Case in point.
I honestly don't even know how Lauren and I found each other, but since Stephanie is our only mutual FB friend, I would say that's a safe bet. But whom reached out to whom and when, I have NO clue. (Lauren, if you remember, please help me out.)
Lauren lives in Colorado.
I live in Georgia.
I would love to meet her in person one day, but I am not holding my breath. We each have three kids, and life is busy.
The thing I love about Lauren is how real she is. She and I have sent each other mail.
Remember mail, y'all?
But the latest most wonderful thing that she sent me was yesterday.
Here I was, on my 34th birthday, alone on my couch watching TV and folding laundry while my babies napped and Andrew played in the backyard.
About 15 minutes earlier, Andrew came to the backdoor and handed me a dandelion.
It was the first flower he'd ever picked for me. My heart jumped and I announced my love for my "birthday flower." He told me I'd better put it in some water, so as he ran off to play some more, I did just that.
Then a florist's truck pulled into my driveway and I got the most wonderful birthday surprise.
A beautiful vase of flowers with a purple (my most favorite color) ribbon. I showed them to Andrew (who came in to use the bathroom) and he got very excited.
"Mommy," he said, "you need to put your birthday flower in there!"
So I retrieved the dandelion from the counter and put it in the bottom of the vase.
Andrew took a big sigh and declared, "Wow. Those are beautiful."
I have to agree.
Thank you, Andrew.
Thank you, Lauren.
Thank you, God, for surrounding me with wonderful people. Even if they do live hundreds of miles away.
I'm so glad that you were surprised! Surprisings my favorite!
Awww!! Is it strange that I got teary eyed reading your post? Receiving flowers unexpectedly is ALWAYS one of the greatest gifts ever. What a sweet, true friend you have in Lauren! And, receiving hand-picked flowers from your children never gets old. Purple is my most favorite color, too.
You are so right. Sometimes we never meet our friends, but then other times, you never know you may meet in person. I was a penpal for years and years with a girl in Canada. Was blessed to meet her on a number of times. Now that she has gone on into heaven I hold her dear sister close to my heart.
Beautiful flowers!!!!!
how sweet, I feel the same way about so many of my blogging friends. happy belated birthday :)
love this post! so true... and i hope your birthday was grand!
Happy to have met you, my friend!
So true, my dear friend, so true. Love you and I'm glad that your birthday, all be it crazy with kids, was still special.
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