One of our favorite places.
My best friend, Joyce, and her husband Shibu, and their precious nine-month-old son Zachary live right in the heart of the city.
We've visited them twice, and even went to NYC once before they lived there.
So we've been three times. Each time was absolutely fabulous.
The first time we went, it was about two-and-a-half months after 9-11. Matthew had secretly been planning a big NYC trip (I had never been) for our one-year anniversary in November 2001. On September 11, after tragedy struck, he told me about the trip. We were both somber as we realized we weren't sure at that point if we'd even be able to go.
But we did, and we had a great time. We went to the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, and had a BALL.
The second time we went was early December 2002. I'm not quite sure why we went except that we just wanted to. You know, before kids, you can do stuff like that. By now, Joyce and Shibu were married and lived in the city, so we stayed with them. It snowed like CRAZY while we were there, and it was AMAZING. It was the most snow they'd gotten in like two years. Beautiful, beautiful. December 4, 2002 will always be referred to as the "Best Day Ever" (or "B.D.E.") by Matthew and me. We woke up to snow covering the city. Manhattan was already decked out for Christmas. We window shopped and walked around the city all day. It. Was. Magical.
The third time was April 2005. It was my spring break (I was a teacher), and we drove this time. We spent four days in NYC and three in D.C. This is referred to as the "B.T.E." (Or "Best Trip Ever) It was so much fun. To quote Rachel Zoe, it was bananas.
But we haven't been back. Not since April 2005. Not since kids.
I'm just not ready.
Not ready for it to change.
Not ready for it to be a lot of work.
You know, kind of like how it is at the beach with kids.
It's just different now.
And I'm still holding onto the NYC that I know and love.
Anyway, Matthew had an extra day, so he and his rental car made the drive into the city. I was uber-jealous. But I let him take the camera. (Even though I felt naked all week without it!!)
Here are some of the pictures he took:
NYC from the plane
A great street shot
A landmark: The Naked Cowboy. I can't believe he's still there. If you have never seen him, get thee to Times Square. Yes, he's wearing undies. Tighty-whities. Two pairs, actually. (I saw a special on him once.) Matthew got a better picture, but it's I decided not to post it. LOL
Matthew met Shibu for lunch, and he snapped some pictures of Matthew. Here is one of them.
See the Statue of Liberty? Yeah, that's a person dressed up. Weird. Matthew said he would move and stuff. Yikes.
Oh, Central Park, how I love thee.
Matthew said he had fun. But then he said, "You know, it just wasn't the same without you." Awww...thanks, Babe.
Now this is more like it:

I have 2 comments...
I have also been to NYC 3 times...the last time I went (it was for spring break and I went with my 2 very best friends) I met the naked cowboy! I have a few pictures with him and he kissed me on the cheek. haha. Check out facebook--I'll make it my profile picture.
Secondly, we each took our picture with the statue of liberty person and after we took the pictures she harassed us until we gave her money. There were no signs saying we had to pay (we assumed it was tip only and were planning on tipping), but after the pictures she started yelling "$5 each, $5 each! haha.
Just wanted to share.
I love this post! I've never been to NYC, although harbour a secret dream to experience a white Christmas there and ice skate at Rockerfeller Centre. Hope you get back there soon. Meredith xo.
Naked Cowboy!! When we were there last it was the first time Abby had seen him....She wanted to know why a man was standing in the street in his underwear! That day there was also an older lady in a biniki (red,white, and blue) with cowgirl boots and cowgirl hat on and some stuff hanging that just wasn't right.
Great post! I love that you quoted Rachel Zoe:)
I LOVE NYC, too! Those pics of you guys in front of the statue are really cute!
Also, I made the strawberry sprite cake tonight and it was a huge hit! :) Thanks for sharing the recipe.
I loved your pictures! Looks like you have made some great memories!
I LOVE NYC!!! Have great memories of going into the city for Christmas as a child and have brought Evan too. Hopefully, we will make it into the city with both kids this Christmas. NYC is a magical place.
Thanks for reading my post on (In)Courage. I enjoyed visiting your blog.
God bless,
Margaret McSweeney
OH, now I really am going to have to try your version with chocolate cake and dr pepper! Those are two of my fav things! :)
You know, on Carnival, they have Camp Carnival that is free babysitting all day long for your kids over 2. They told us there were over 600 kids on our ship and I never saw more than 20 of them! Those counselors keep them so busy playing! Just a thought...but it would be harder to take them on the stops and ports.....
Manhattan says it was great to see Matthew (although I didn't get to see him!), but it wasn't the same without you. You've made it to the beach sans kids...surely the lovely Paula Crosby will be delighted to watch the boys while you and Matthew take a quick weekend trip before baby #3 arrives?
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