(If anyone can help me put the button in my post, it would be most appreciated. I can't seem to copy and paste it into my text box. I even saved it to my desktop and tried to upload it through blogger, but that didn't work either. I won't be receiving any awards for my computer skills...) YAY!! Thanks, Heather!! :)
Anyway, Cheryl from Ruby's Life and Adrienne from Our Unexpected Journey both awarded me a Kreativ Blog Award, not knowing that it would drive me nuts to spell creative with a "K" and without an "E" at the end. But I digress... LOL
I think it's so cool that we can recognize other bloggers. I know a lot of time I blog for myself, but honestly, without an audience, it would be kind of pointless. Cheryl and Adrienne are wonderful moms! Cheryl's daughter Ruby has Down syndrome, as does Adrienne's unborn son Bennett. I wish we all lived close-by and could get together in person. :)
So my assignment is to list seven things I love and then give the award to seven other bloggers.
So here, in random order, are things I love. (Some of them have links to click.)
1. Massages
I got a 90-minute massage on my birthday, and I decided that if I were rich, I would get one once a week. Seriously. I love it so much.
2. Being tall
It used to kind of be a drag to tower over everyone and always have to stand in the back with the boys for school pictures. But now I think I like it. Being pregnant and tall is great because I was not ever really uncomfortable. My babies had lots of room to spread out. Also, I have more room for the post-baby weight to spread out. (Ugh)
3. Junk food
There. I said it. I love it. And I miss it. Hot dogs, Doritos, mac n cheese, pizza, spinach dip, and my beloved Dr. Pepper. I love it all. (And, no, sorry, Diet Dr. Pepper just does *not* do the trick.)
4. Being pregnant
I know pregnancy is a difficult time for many women. But I love it. Though I don't enjoy the fatigue or the nosebleeds I incur, I haven't had morning sickness nor discomfort. My only complaint is that I don't get to be "big" pregnant for very long b/c I'm so tall. I love that part!! During my last pregnancy, Dr. Brody (best OB ever) asked me at about 38 weeks how I was feeling. (I delivered at 39 weeks.) I told him I was feeling great, and I could go about another month or so. He laughed and said there aren't many women who feel that way! (Incidentally, I don't really dig the newborn part all that much. I'm not really a "baby" person. I wish my kids would come out 12 months old!)
5. Scott Bath Tissue
I know. It is not soft. It is not two-ply. But it is the only kind for me. I'm so glad my husband agrees so we don't have to buy two kinds. :)
6. Digging my toes in the sand
Sigh. It's been far too long. But we're going to the beach in less than three weeks!!! YAY!
7. Being a stay-at-home mom
I've always known this is what I ultimately want to do. I liked teaching, I really did. But I knew in my mind it was just a means to an end. *This* is what I was meant to do. It does not bother me that I am "wasting" my degrees or all those years I went to school. They weren't wasted in my mind. I used them to gain experience and to make money. I made lots of great friends and got to teach some wonderful students (many of whom are now my Facebook friends). I love being at home. I love being able to stay in our pajamas all day or going out to run errands. I love being able to sit on the floor and play. I love being the one who knows all the stories and can take all the pictures. People always assume I'll go back to teaching after my kids are in school. Well first of all, we want four kids. So that will be a while. And second of all, I most likely will not be going back. There are plenty of things for me to do without having a "real" job. I know this is kind of a hot topic in the mothering world. I am not saying that being a SAHM is for everyone, but it is most certainly for me.
OKAY! Now I get to choose seven bloggers to pass this along to. I won't be offended if you don't do it. But at least know I chose you!! :)
1. Alicia -- I have known Alicia for several years through church. She is such a good mommy and seems to have it all together! (And I'm jealous that she and Darrin went to PEI on their honeymoon. I heart Gilbert Blythe!)
2. Jenn -- Jenn is an *amazing* mother and so, so funny. She has three boys and does such an amazing job with them. One is atypical and two are autistic. You think that would wear her down and make her cynical. Nah, she just keeps on keepin on.
3. Stephanie -- I'm pretty sure I've tagged her before, but that's okay. She is incredible. She also has three boys. She is beautiful inside and out. God has so much in store for her and is using her in so many ways!
4. Mary Jo -- I can't hyperlink her yet b/c she doesn't have a blog. But she keeps threatening to start one, so maybe this will encourage her. Mary Jo is a great mom and a great friend. She is my Internet friend who came to visit me!
5. Ginger -- Ginger has two precious children, Alexis and Justin. I have known Ginger for a couple of years, and you can tell she loves her kids so much and would do anything for them!
6. Laurie -- I am sure that if we lived near each other, Laurie and I would hang out. Dylan and Benjamin would play together, and Laurie and I would talk and laugh (and maybe cry) together.
7. Nicole -- I stumbled across Nicole's blog last year when she was pregnant with her son, Dylan James. Dylan was diagnosed with Trisomy 18, but Nicole decided against termination. She bravely carried Dylan to term. He was born in December, and he lived seven hours. Through it all, she has been faithful to God, expressing her grief and anger, but knowing that it will all make sense one day. The thing I like the most about Nicole is that she is real.
There you are!! Wordless Wednesday coming up tomorrow! :)
I think you have to use the edit html code and insert the code for the button that way (like a picture). Then you can add a button on your sidebar with the HTML widget, too.
Congratulations! I like being tall, too.
Aww thanks babe! I think you are pretty amazing too. Does this mean I have to blog more often??
You rock - Happy St Patty's day!
Hey Angela, the messed up spelling stuff bugs me, too, but kreativ happens to be the correct German spelling for creative, so maybe that will make you feel better :)
Awwww, thanks, Angela! I am so honored! I didn't even know you read my blog. I love reading yours!
I so do NOT have it altogether! You should see my house!
You should totally go to PEI! It's not expensive to visit, and the exchange rate is good. It's so beautiful and relaxing up there! I heart Gilbert too! :-)
Thank you so much for thinking of me and Dylan!!! I love reading your blog and wish so badly we lived near each other...
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