Thursday, August 7, 2008

Hot dogs

It has already been a crazy day in my life. Benjamin was up early, covered in a strange-colored spit-up. Then he only napped for 30 minutes, even though his morning nap yesterday was two hours and fifteen minutes. He woke up right in the middle of my workout, so I am all stinky and sweaty. I am trying to make the bed, put away laundry, unload the dishwasher, and figure out a time when I can shower so I can take Benjamin to the doctor after lunch. (Thankfully I have a great babysitter for Andrew this morning...his LeapFrog Letter Factory DVD.)

Nothing too horrible, mind you, but just very busy. I feel like my mind always has to think one step ahead or I'll fall behind. So in the midst of the insanity, I ripped off the desk calender with quotes from The Office.

Sigh...I hear ya, Kevin. I hear ya.


Anonymous said...

"That is a stupid idea Kevin because you must work to pay for your food, and lying on the beach is NOT WORK."


Anonymous said...

That's what she said...Michael Scott