Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Two months old!

Today Benjamin is two months old. Like most things in life, sometimes it seems like the time has flown by, and other times it seems like a verrrry long time. Like, I can't believe he's already two months old, BUT I can't believe it was only two months ago that I gave birth to him. Life's funny that way.

We started a tradition with Andrew that we plan to carry out with all our children. I got the idea from an article I read several years ago in a magazine. A mom took a picture every year of her daughter from age one to thirteen or eighteen in the *same* bathing suit. Obviously, it was an adult's bathing suit, and the pictures were ridiculously adorable and hilarious. So I got the idea to do something similar.

Every month, on the date they were born (from one month until twelve months) we take their pictures in the same outfit in the same chair. We have a boy outfit and a girl outfit. The outfits are, I believe, size "3 month." Luckily, Andrew was (and still is) a small fry. Jury's still out about Benjamin.

So today we took Benjamin's two-month picture. The thing that makes me sad is that we still have to help him sit up. Even with the support of the chair. His low muscle tone is becoming ever more apparent. And even though it's to be expected and truly not that big of a deal in the grand scheme of things, it hurts. I couldn't help myself. I went back through Andrew's pictures when he was two months old, and he had excellent neck and trunk support. I *know* it's different, and I *know* it's not right to compare. But it's only natural. I suppose it's only really selfish on my part. It's so much easier when they can support themselves better. Benjamin is still very much like a brand-new baby.

Anyway, enough of the pity party. Here are some pictures. I am still learning how to post pictures in this forum. I can't quite figure out how to put the pictures below my text. That doesn't seem to be an option. (I finally did it but it took what seems to be too much effort.) In case it doesn't work right, the order is as follows: Andrew at one month, Andrew at two months, Benjamin at one month, Benjamin at two months. Such sweet boys. I love them so much.


Christia said...

I always loved that tradition of yours!

jmason said...

What a great tradition! I love the towels with their names on them too.

Lillie's Mommy said...

The easy way to move pics is to click and drag them to where you want them. I hope that makes better sense to you.

Erica said...

Benjamin has grown so much! I haven't seen a recent picture of him in a while. Love the tradition too!

Stephanie said...

I love him.

Amber said...

I love that you do this. I read the article too with the bathing suit. I wanted to do it with an "I heart NY" shirt (since Carsyn was conceived there) but Gerry had issues with that!! lol...