Monday, September 2, 2024

Hello, September!

 It might still be hot and humid here in North Georgia, but THE END IS IN SIGHT. 

Most of you know that summer and I are not friends. It might not be as difficult now b/c my kids are older and Matthew doesn't travel for work, but the sun, heat, and humidity are so damn oppressive to me. It literally feels like my skin is melting off.

Since I last blogged, I have now run a total whopping eight marathons (including NYC twice!!), over 30 half marathons, countless 5Ks & 10Ks, and the WDW Dopey Challenge (IYKYK). 

But in January 2023, I broke my pinky toe, keeping me from running for months and really discouraging me. Then my age started to kick in (hello, perimenopause), and I gained all the weight I lost PLUS more. 

So that's fun. 😖

But I have begun to add 3-4x weekly 15-20 min strength training sessions, and now that the weather is cooling off, I hope to slowly get back a little of my running mojo.

Today is Labor Day, which means, OF COURSE, that it was time to decorate the inside of my house for fall & Halloween. (The outside has only fall decorations; Halloween will make its appearance October 1.)

Until later...

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