Thursday, September 2, 2010

Weight loss pics so far

I still have 29 pounds to go to reach my ultimate goal weight. And while clothes are fitting better, there isn't a huge difference in the way my body looks. But I already feel better so much better, and my face is thinner. (Sorry about the tired look in the last picture; it was the end of a long day.)

Before: May 29, 2010
206.8 pounds

Three months later (13 weeks)
18 pounds lighter, at 188.8
August 29, 2010

Before I had any kids (back in 2005), I weighed about 175. I was a good, solid size 14. I was at the very top of the healthy portion of BMI for my height (5'11"). I got down as low as 164 in 2004 and was very happy with where I was. I could wear some 12s and some 14s. I have two pairs of size 12 Gap jeans I am dying to wear again. But I've been a size 16 (or even too big for my 16s so I wore maternity clothes b/c I refused to buy 18s) for most of the years since then. I got back down to 183 (size 14) right before getting pregnant with Thomas, but am far away from that again. (Five pounds on one side of a pregancy is not equal to five pounds on the other side of pregnancy.)

Girls, let me just tell you. If you don't have kids yet, and/or if you're in your early-to-mid 20s, enjoy it. Once you have kids and/or once you hit 30 (I'm 33), your body/metabolism go to pot. I used to think I was overweight/chunky/whatever. Boy, what I'd give to have the body I had in 2000. Any mom will tell you that you can be the exact same weight before kids and then after kids, and the same exact pants just don't fit. It is just one of those "gifts" of bearing children. And it is a million times harder to lose weight/maintain weight at this age.

I haven't had a very good week. In fact, that weight and that picture are from last week. And while I doubt my face looks much different, I've eaten too much and haven't really been counting points like I should have been. The pounds are starting to creep back on, even after just a week. So back to the willpower and back to counting points.

Right after my Girls' Night Out tonight.

Hey, a girl's gotta live.


kristi said...

This post is so true! I am 37 and have had to work so hard to lose the 30 pounds I have lost, and I have much more to lose! I was in
22's and most of them were too tight. I would love to be a size

Todd and Courtney said...

I hear ya on the losing weight. Even though I'm ony 26, and 3 pounds heavier than I was pre-Lauren, nothing fits the same. I can't fit into my 8 pants and can only fit into some 10s and 12s are the most comfortable. Everything just shifted :)

Shannon said...

congratulations on your weight loss... keep up the good work!! slow and steady wins the race.

Laura said...

You REALLY look great! Aren't some of the "gifts" of motherhood just fabulous?! :0)