Well, it has come to this.
Teaming up with perfect strangers in order to lose weight.
Well, they *were* perfect strangers. Now they're my Tribe Burgundy Babes teammates. My friends. My butt-kicking partners in crime.
Let me back up. (beep beep beep)
In the past few months, I found a blog about fitness and weightloss called The Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans. Catchy title, I thought. So I've been lurking over there for awhile. They were in the middle of a weight-loss challenge when I first started reading, and I had the crazy thought that I might join the new one.
Well it has begun. Today is day one.
It is called Shrinkvivor. Based on Survivor (which, incidentally, starts its new season tonight). Which means all the participants were put onto tribes. We weigh in each Wednesday. Each Thursday (except tomorrow), a tribal council will be held, and someone will be voted off. Yikes! If that's not motivation, I don't know what is! (To have any questions answered, click here.) There are awesome prizes, but the real prize for me, is fitting into my jeans. I have two pairs of Gap jeans I am dying to wear.
This challenge is seven weeks long. That will take us to the beginning of November. On November 19, Matthew and I will celebrate 10 years of marriage. Later that month, we are going on an anniversary trip. Just the two of us. Where to? I have no idea!! He is planning the entire thing, and I am beyond excited.
How can I go if I'm nursing a baby, you might ask? Well, by then I won't be. In fact, I am barely still nursing right now. Only once or twice a day. My milk supply never lasts very long, and I'm okay with that. In fact, this weight-loss is going to start kicking butt (and getting a lot harder) starting today b/c I am officially dropping my Weight Watchers nursing points. For those of you familiar with the program, that's 10 points a day. Yikes indeed.
I had Matthew take some "before" pictures last night. I am really looking forward to losing this weight! While I am down about 11-12 pounds from the end of May, I have lots more to lose. My goal for this challenge is 15 pounds. That's slightly over two pounds a week. Which means (cue "bom bom bom" music) I'm going to have to start exercising. :(
Losing weight for me is all about being proactive. Planning meals and sticking to it. Yet allowing myself some treats sometimes so I don't go nuts. That's the great thing about Weight Watchers. You are in control of your food. You have points and you can spend them how you like. You quickly learn that some things just aren't worth it. Not all the time anyway.
So what's my plan?
To drop my WW nursing points and stick to my diet. Count my points, and don't exceed them.
To drink water. At least 60 ounces a day. (That's three water bottles.)
To exercise at least 3-4 times a week. Whether it's walking in my neighborhood while pushing a stroller, or doing a workout video, or whatever. Just to get active.
To believe that I can do this. Because I can.
Here are my before pics. Please, be kind. :)
Starting weight: 195
Size: 16
I will check back here every Wednesday to report my weight, my eating for the week, my activity, and my general attitude about the whole thing. I am going to the beach for two weeks (don't hate me) in October, so that will be the toughest challenge for me. But I am determined to wear my size 14 Gap jeans on my anniversary trip at the end of November.
Good luck to all my fellow Burgundy Babes!!
You are not a size 16! You look awesome. I would have guessed like a 8-10 chica. You look great. I'm excited to watch the progress. But know that you look fab already!
ohh good idea on the pictures...maybe I'll do that tonight.
Good luck, I'm so glad you came out of lurking and are on my team for this challenge! Go Burgundy Babes!
ps...our anniversary is Nov 20th!
You are going to do great on this challenge and our tribe is going to be great too!
Great idea on the before pictures, I will try to take some tonight.
We have the same scale **squeal like a teenage girl** I know, I'm a dork :)
I totally wish I had gotten a picture to post! I may have to add that tonight! Burgundy Babes are totally going to OWN this challenge! So glad you're in my tribe!
I have 20lbs left lose myself, well actually I would like to lose 22 more. I would have loved to have been our your tribe but with my new dietary restrictions I a not sure how much weight I am going to be losing. I would hate to pull you down! Good luck hot mama! You know I love you and I will be pulling for you all the way! If you are up for a run I will run with you, couch to 5k again?
Good luck!
You look great now, you really don't look like a size 16. I know with the addition of exercise you will be a size 14 in no time!
Oh, how exciting! Sounds like such a great and motivating group. My mom and I decided to do Nutrisystem (I really like WW too) and the food is supposed to arrive any day now. Your motivating me to do some blogging on it too!!
You have an awesome plan in place and I think you are totally going to rock Shrinkvivor!
Good for you! Sounds like a fun way to do it and keep accountable. Over a year now since Joey was born and I finally like my weight (not my shape, but hey)... but since I JUST stopped nursing my challenge is going to be how to keep my weight stable. It sky rocketed last time when I stopped nursing.
Anyway, good luck! You can do it and I'm super excited for your surprise trip in November.
Welcome to The Sisterhood! Look at you, brave girl, posting pics right out of the gate! Good for you!!!
You are going to do awesome on this challenge! Good luck!!
I wish I had signed up when you first posted on FB...I need motivation!! I've luckily lost all my pregnancy weight but still want to get rid of another 14lbs.
Cheering you from the sidelines! You can totally do this :)
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