Monday, February 8, 2010

This and that

Benjamin has been feeling well and back to his old self now for a few days. It is sooooo nice to have my sweet boy back! No crying during meals. No coughing at night. No fussing when he plays. He is loving life, and I am loving it!

(Of course, the pessimist realist in me is just waiting for him to get sick again...)

Andrew is doing well, too. Sadly, at almost four, he is starting to not nap in the afternoons. I know, it's bound to happen. But I'm just sad b/c it has been so nice for these last four years. lol

He hasn't dropped it completely (few days a week), and sometimes I can tell he still needs it but I can't exactly force him to nap. So he's just fussy some evenings, which is always fun. ;)

I am doing well, pregnancy-wise. I generally have very good pregnancies. The third-trimester fatigue has hit me, however, and I am dead tired a lot of the time. My right leg looks like it has been attacked by Killer Veins, and is disproportionately swollen to my left leg. It itches and sometimes aches. But I feel Thomas move ALL the time, which is so wonderfully reassuring and pleasant. He definitely moves more than A or B ever did. I hope he's not a wild child!

The weather here lately has been horrid! We got some snow. Then it melted. Ever since then, it has been nothing but cold and dreary. No sun. No warmth. Ugh. It's super depressing.

I have an official date and time for the arrival of Thomas Alexander! Thursday, March 25, @ 6:00 a.m.

Andrew turns four on March 24, just one day prior to that. (Benjamin turns two on April 24, FYI.) We are having a very small, family-only, Buzz Lightyear party for Andrew at my parents' house on Wednesday night w/pizza and cake. Andrew will love it. Then we will put the boys down to bed at their house, drive home, try to catch a few hours of sleep, then be at the hospital at 4:00 a.m. for the C-section. HOLLA!

As far as what we need to do to get ready, there really isn't much. Benjamin has already been moved across the hall into his new room. The nursery is ready except that Matthew needs to move the mattress up to the highest position, and I need to paint the "T" to hang on his wall. I am blessed enough to be getting not one but two baby showers this month in preparation for his arrival, so any gifts we get then will be put in their proper place. We need to put the infant carrier base back in the van, which will take Matthew all of two minutes. I need to move the baby swing and bouncy seat back downstairs. That's about it. Not much, when you think about it.

But mentally? Oh, wow. I am just not ready yet! Don't get me wrong. I'm very excited about seeing Thomas and holding him and introducing him to his older brothers. I am esctatic about the hospital stay (no joke...I LOVE IT!) and even the C-section.

But I am not looking forward to the sleep deprivation or the juggling act that I am about to have to learn. Especially because Matthew is going to be super busy at work (including many trips). Uggggggh.

So I am glad that I still have six weeks and two days.

Not that I'm counting or anything.


  1. I love the hospital stays too. I miss my kids SO much, but I love the "vacation", lol!!

    I can't wait to see Thomas. Don't be too nervous. You'll fall into your groove before you know it! If I can, you DEFINITELY can.

  2. Praying for you during these last few weeks! I liked your pessimist vs. realist comment...I say about myself too!

  3. So funny about the hospital stays because I was the same way with my pregnancies! It was a mini-vacation!

  4. Hey, it makes me want to have another just for the hospital stay!! LOL Ok, just kidding...a little. :)

  5. You make it sound really easy to add #3! Not buying it... 2 is plenty for us.

    Don't worry, you'll find your family rhythm and the routine will fall into place. Practice saying this "Thanks, I'll take that into consideration" for whenever people offer you advice you didn't ask for. (like I'm doing right now!)

    And 'never say never'... and you'll be good to go.

    Glad to hear B is feeling better!!!!!

  6. If Thomas is a "wild child" you are more than welcome to call or email at anytime! Hayden was and is still my wild child and Seb's got a little bit in him...but I'll tell you! It makes life interesting in the best ways so you have much to look forward to! And if there's anyone that can handle the juggle, it's you! Can't wait to see him!

  7. Love hearing about all of the details coming together these last few weeks before 'The Perfect Storm.' (That's what I call three kids four and under which was my life this time in 2007, one almost 4, almost 2, and a newborn.)

    You WILL get through it, but you are right to expect it to be a juggling act. Enjoy it as much as possible and I know you will handle it all with grace and aplomb. Holla!

    Love to you all,

  8. I laughed at the comment above - "The Perfect Storm"! I had the same age gap...and lived to tell the tale...well, I would, except it's a bit of a blur.

    Claire is right, you will get through it...powered by coffee, grace and those amazing post-pregnancy hormones. And when you're feeling blah...just remember to tell yourself how amazing you are. And if you forget...we'll remind you. We've got your back, even if it is long-distance. Meredy xo.
