Thursday, February 4, 2010

Instantly transported

I seriously just sobbed in ugly, heaping sobs.

I am still reeling.

I was just instantly transported in my mind and emotions back to April 24, 2008.

Like it was here right now and it had just happened to me.

All over again.

Get an entire box of tissues and read this:


  1. Wow I just cried my eyes out for about 10 minutes. Very beautiful and moving story!

  2. That was a lovely birth story and great pictures too. But above all, I'm so glad to see a baby with those needs cared for (much like Benjamin) by a family that is equipped to do so. Not financially, but equipped with love and patience.

    The last die for. She's a beauty.

  3. That really is an amazing story, and a beautiful little girl :) I think it's awesome that we have the internet so we have the chance to see the lives of others. The other great part is that complete strangers that share a common thread can form a friendship to help deal with different hurdles, whether it be planning a wedding, running a marathon or bring a baby into the world. It really makes you step back and say wow!

  4. I know you warned me. But, I didn't listen. So, I sat on my couch and cried like a baby for 10 minutes last night.

    I wish I could have been with you to toast Benjamin's birth IRL.

    Love you.

  5. thanks for pointing that blog out...what a beautiful post.

  6. Totally meant to tell you....I met a mom this morning in my Little Gym class. We got to talking and her little girl (she's 7) has DS and she was telling me her birth story. She found out on the operating table after her C-section! Her story sounded so similar to the one that you posted though, even though she found out that way.

  7. Very moving! Thanks for sharing!

  8. I sobbed, too. Boy, that really moved me and brought back those raw emotions. My eyes are still puffy :-0
