Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Our October Wordless Wednesday


  1. What great pictures. Your boys are just so darn cute!

  2. I have missed reading you--(lots going on)

    LoVe all the pictures! Your boys are still too sweet! Hope you are feeling well!

  3. too funny, I loved them, I did the pumpkin seed thing this year and was less than impressed with the amount of work I put into it.

  4. All the pictures are great, but I think my fave is the one of the boys in their matching Halloween gymmies (that yes, we have!) I love how HUGE Benjamin's smile is...he is such a happy guy, I can't help but smile when I see his sweet face!

  5. I love how you put the entire month of October into a WW post! Kind of like my Memory Making Moments, but without the words. God bless!

  6. I love that Andrew randomly wears a helmet. Hayden randomly wears a yellow life jacket. Indeed safety first for the preschoolers. =) Love all the pics!

  7. Great pics! They tell a great story.
