Saturday, November 7, 2009


There is nothing wrong.

In fact, all is right.

I just need to take an official break from blogging.

I am too busy! Blogging, which includes not only writing my own blog but also reading others' blogs, has become way too much of a chore and an obligation. I hate it when I get behind and then I feel guilty.

When, in fact, I am doing all I need to do.

Taking care of my boys and myself and my unborn baby.

Which, by the way, according to the preliminary amnio results, does not have Down syndrome, Trisomy-13 or Trisomy-18. YAY!

I will be on Facebook for those of you who are over there.

And I am not saying good-bye forever.

But the leaves are orange and yellow and red.

The Christmas music has started.

The tradition of drinking hot chocolate together on Saturday mornings in Nov and Dec has begun.

I couldn't be happier.

I just don't have time to blog.

I'll be back.

Don't worry.



  1. We'll be there in spirit next Saturday for hot chocolate, OK?
    xoxox -JILL

  2. To everything a season, Angela. I'm sure you'll be back, when and if it suits you. That's the beauty of blogland! In the meantime, I wish for you a wonderful festive season, I understand you've got Thanksgiving coming up right? What a perfectly beautiful time of the year to take a well needed bloggy break to simply enjoy without feeling obligated to blog about it. Meredith xo.

  3. luckily I am real life friend and I can stalk you anywhere, jk, and good for you!

  4. Oh, I can so relate. As you can tell from my complete lack of blogging:) I've cut way down on my reading, too. There's just not enough hours in the day...

  5. Oh, I can so relate. As you can tell from my complete lack of blogging:) I've cut way down on my reading, too. There's just not enough hours in the day...

  6. I'm glad to hear all is going well. :)

  7. well i will miss your blog posts, but i understand. enjoy your boys, and maybe you can take a belly pic soon just to keep me happy! :)

  8. I have felt the same way lately, blogging does take up lots of time--both reading and writing. I just started again, after almost a month off. We have had LOTS going on and and I couldn't keep up with it all. Enjoy your break!
