I spent about ten minutes three times a day giving Benjamin breathing treatments. He got much better with them when we sat in front of the TV.
I took Benjamin back to the doctor on Friday after going to the hospital for another chest x-ray first. I took a video after he got his x-rays while we were waiting for a disc to be made. This is just typical of Benjamin. He might get a little fussy (at the most) but it does not take much to get a smile and a giggle. Watch this short video and you will see how adorable my boy is!
Don't forget to pause the music at the bottom of this page!!
See? Told you! :)
So we took the disc next door to the pediatrician and we looked at the x-rays together. The spot on his upper right lung where the pneumonia was looks considerably better but is still a little hazy. And then we saw another small haze in his lower right lung. Sigh.
But he is still improving, so we were able to stop the breathing treatments and the amoxicillan (antibiotic). But because of the haze on the x-ray, we are still thickening his milk and we are continuing to give him Prevacid (for possible reflux) twice a day.
I will take him to Children's on Friday, June 24, for a swallow study. He will drink some barium and they will watch on the x-rays to see if he is aspirating his liquids. (Aspiration is when fluids that are supposed to go down to the stomach come up and go into the lungs, which is obviously not where they belong.)
The past two days (Sat and Sun), Benjamin has been in the best mood! It's like he wasn't really feeling all that badly but now he is BACK! He has been so pleasant and happy and just loving life.
And you know what? So am I.
What's not to love?
I have a supreme God who takes care of my every need.
I have a wonderful husband who is sweet, funny, and the best helper ever.
I have a great family and a comfortable house.
Yes, life is good.
Speaking of help, I needed a lot of it this evening when it came to laundry. I've been a little busy and had about 10 or 11 loads that needed to be done.
Too bad they don't realize that they're not really helping.
(Ignore the belly roll...I guess I can choose that not to love in life.)
Oh, that video is just too cute. I'm glad he's getting better.
I love it when kiddos think they're helping but they're really just making more work for mommy. hehe!
Love the update, the the video, and just in general love the Amicks.
...the laundry not so much.... I hate laundry and I think I have an equal amount that needs to get done at my house.
Thank you for the update Angela. Hang in there - you are thought of often and surrounded in prayers.
Your video is precious as is Benjamin.
So glad to hear that Benjamin is feeling better. I'll be curious to hear about the swallow study as we are heading into Boston tomorrow for all sorts of testing from the "The Feeding Team". Ah, the fun...it never ends does it? I say this as I look over at Dylan who has just spit up his ENTIRE breakfast...: (
Too cute! Thanks for the update. I am glad to hear he is doing much better. Happy Monday!
LOOOOVE the video! What a happy little guy. :) But with a mom like you what's not to be happy about? That was funny when you said "mama" and he stuck his tongue out. hee hee
We have been doing lots of breathing treatments too...hope he is doing better!
Sweet, sweet Benjamin! I could just sop every last bit of him up with a biscuit! Love that little raspberry he blew at the end of the video!
What belly role! You look absolutely amazing! We missed you guys this weekend. Hope you see you soon! Love you!
Andrew just noticed the photo of you and him and Baby B in the laundry room and he said, "That was today." I asked him if Daddy took the picture and he frowned and said, "No, I think my REAL Mommy did." Do tell! :)
That is the cutest video! Jed had that swallow study done when he was about 8 weeks old. It was a piece of cake. We were in and out of the hospital in less than an hour. Glad Benjamin is doing better.
Hi Angela,
I discovered your blog a couple of months ago and have read lots of your older posts and am now enjoying following your blog. I also happened to see on Facebook that we have some friends in common: Cara Burgener, Carly Williams, and maybe more. I went to high school & church with them.
My son is 4 1/2 months old & has had 2 swallow studies done to see if he was aspirating. The 2nd one showed trace amts. of aspiration so we added rice cereal to his milk. It has made a huge difference! He enjoys eating so much more & has stopped coughing all the time.
I hope Benjamin's study goes well. Your family is so sweet!
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