Wednesday, May 2, 2012

I love May!!

Last May I did a weight-loss challenge and lost 12 pounds.

This May I am doing a weight-loss challenge (hoping to lose 10), but something even more important than that has happened already.

And it's only May 2.

I got my iPhone.

Yes, it set me back a pretty penny. But I've been saving, and will continue to pay for it out of any discretionary money I get. (Which pretty much means birthday and Christmas cash.)

Lemme tell ya, it's worth it.

I am in love.

Speaking of love....

These are the things I have been loving lately.

Frank & Nancy

My house

The view from the end of my driveway

I could eat on those soft cheeks.

Look who's being adventurous at snack time?

Someone please tell him to stop growing up.
He only has 17 more days of kindergarten.

What are you loving lately?

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