Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Why, Blogger?

Oh my gosh, just when I decide to start blogging again, Blogger goes and changes the format on me.

I feel like an 80-year-old woman whose daily newspaper has just changed its bag from clear to yellow, and it's thrown off my whole day.

Okay, that was a bit extreme.

I feel like things are so...I hate to say it...boring and normal...around here. I feel like I have nothing interesting to blog about. But I really do want to start doing it on a regular basis again.

But I am a structured person (who, me???) and I need a plan.

So I think I will try to do a M-F schedule and see how it goes. I'll start next week. I'm thinking of designating a specific day for a certain kind of post. My initial thoughts for weekly posts are: a picture post, an update of what I'm watching/reading, things I learned throughout the week, etc.

Any ideas? C'mon, leave me a comment so I know someone's out there.

I'll publish this if I can ever figure out where the "publish" button is...

Oh, there it is.

Did I mention I'm not a fan of change?

The only good that can come of this is if Blogger will finally let us select more than one picture at a time to upload into a post. I'll check that out later, as it's almost lunchtime.

What, am I rambling? :)


  1. Holla!!! Your number one fan on Signal Mountain is reading and has been waiting for an update. Tell us about your running or lack of? I have totally slacked off running but am loving the Jillian dvd's. Miss you buddy!1

  2. Love your blogging and excited to read what you will be writing!!!!!

    Your cyber friend,

    PS I am running my first half this Saturnday- the St. Jude Country Music!!!!

  3. I love the fact that you are blogging again!

  4. We were in the same DDC in 2008. I've followed your blog for a while and recently found my own inspiration to start blogging again. You also inspired me to get out there and run!
