Monday, March 5, 2012

30-Day Bloggity Blogness: Day 5

Day 5: A song to match your mood today

"I Will Survive" by Gloria Gaynor (or the 90s version by Cake)

Why, you ask?

It's spring. Spring brings warmer weather, prettier days, and my husband's busy season.

From about mid-Feb through May or June, he's working a lot. If he's not out of town, he's working super late.

Last week, one night he got home at 3:00 a.m. The next night was midnight. The next night he came home to help me with dinner, to "wake up" with a quick run around the neighborhood, then he headed back to work until he crawled into bed just before 5 a.m. (He slept until 9:00 and headed straight back to work.) Have I mentioned how glad I am that I don't have a job???

This week he's gone all week. He flew out to Charlotte today. He'll be there until later tomorrow, when he'll fly to Norfolk. He flies home late Wednesday night. Then early Thursday he will drive to Knoxville. He'll return mid-afternoon, depending on traffic. Early Friday morning he drives to Cumming, GA, and will get home later in the day.

So basically we will share a bed a few nights, but I won't really see him.

This is how several weeks will be until mid-summer. And the weeks when he only has 2-3 meetings, he will be working ridiculously late in order to prepare for those meetings.

But it's not all bad.

By traveling so much, he racks up Delta SkyMiles and Marriott Reward Points, which allows us to earn free flights and hotel stays for the other times of the year.

It's also great later in the year when he doesn't have to work late or travel very much at all.

But in the midst of it, I have to pump up the "I Will Survive."

Because I will. (I just might go kicking and screaming...)

1 comment:

  1. Wow! bless your heart! its hard, isn't it...!! I know how you feel, my husband works all week out of town, comes home on Friday around 7 or 8 and leaves anywhere from Sunday eve to Monday morning early. I'm just thankful he has a good job. We love those hotel points too!
