Tuesday, March 13, 2012

30-Day Bloggity Blogness: Day 13

Day 13: Goals

I feel like I need to say something grand, like "Lose weight" or "go back to work."

And while I still would like to take off another 10 pounds, and I may one day go back to work, I am more of an immediate-goal kind of gal.

The goals I have staring me in the face right now are:

  • Organize my iTunes--Matthew got me a new laptop for Christmas, and because of my all-or-nothing personality (see day 9), I have just now gotten it out of its box. It's not that I don't need a new laptop; my old one is on its last legs. But I want to do it right, and there hasn't been time. My iTunes has been a mess since I first installed it a year ago--when I moved my music and transferred all of Matthew's music over to it, there has been no rhyme or reason. There are lots of duplicates, incorrectly-labeled songs, and a bunch of crap on there I didn't want. I like order. I crave organization. And having over 6000 songs all jumbled and messed up has been a thorn in my side for nearly 12 months. And now it's even worse, as I have my music stored in different places on my hard drive, and, well, BLAH. It's been very s-l-o-w-l-y chipped away at for quite some time, and I've had the necessary playlists I've needed (running playlists & audiobooks), but the rest of it is useless. I also want to move over all my CDs (remember those) to my iTunes, and I want it all done by the time I get my iPhone in May. (I plan to break the bank to get the 64 GB iPhone and sell my iPod Touch.)
  • Ummm....that's really it for now. My closets and cabinets are organized. We cleaned out the garage last weekend. I do need to plant some new flowers by my mailbox soon, and in a matter of weeks, I'll need to see what spring/summer clothes fit the boys, but iTunes is what keeps me awake at night. (Though not necessarily awake doing anything about it. Just awake thinking about how I need to do something about it.)
  • Ugh.

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