Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Knock Knock...

...Who's there?


...Angela who?


It's been ages since I've blogged.

Really blogged.

I'm on Facebook and Twitter all the time, and I share pictures and updates over there. It's quicker. It's easier.

But I miss blogging.

What should I blog about?

If I even have any readers left, what do you want to know?

The summer has been full of things:

I've been running & losing weight & trying not to melt in the heat/humidity. I've been busy taking care of my boys and trying not to lose my mind somedays.

Matthew's been traveling and running.

We're both listening to Harry Potter on audiobooks. We've never read/watched any Harry Potter, so when I found the CDs at the library (!), we jumped on it. NO SPOILERS OR I WILL HATE YOU! I am currently listening to The Goblet of Fire (book 4) and Matthew is on Deathly Hallows (book 7). He has more time w/all his traveling. I am thoroughly enjoying them!! We're only on movie #3. We're not watching the movies until we've both finished the books.

I finished the Twilight books and have read the first Hunger Games book. SO good. I am also reading the fifth Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants book (just came out last month) and my magazines (Real Simple, Entertainment Weekly, OK!). I love summer sometimes b/c there are few TV shows on and I have more time to read.

Matthew & I went on a no-kids beach trip (4 nights) earlier this month. It was bliss. Makes me appreciate my marriage and my kids so much more when I can get away.

Andrew is reading up a storm and starts kindergarten soon.

Benjamin goes back to special-ed preschool (M-Th mornings) soon. He's been battling a strange virus for a week or two. He's not "sick" but isn't eating/drinking as much. I took him to the GI dr and his advice was just to wait it out b/c it came on so quickly. So far he's getting better but still fusses during meals. I hate not being able to communicate with him. Is he fussing because he doesn't like Frosted Cheerios anymore or because his tummy hurts? Ugh.

Thomas is an adorable stinker. He is sixteen months and is finally walking. Still no talking but he babbles enough. It'll come. He eats EVERYTHING. And a LOT of it. The other night we all went out to Red Lobster, and he was chowing down on broccoli, salmon, rice pilaf, you name it. The only bad thing is that he has that pesky egg allergy. So he was slightly splotchy because of things he ate (most likely the Cheddar Bay Biscuits and/or the chicken fingers). But nothing a little Benadryl can't fix. :)

Schools here were supposed to start back on August 11, but because of the deadly tornado that hit our town (Ringgold, GA) back in April, the county has been delayed until the day after Labor Day, September 6 (so the middle and high school can have more time to rebuild). So we still have a LONG six weeks to go. Blah. Stupid tornado. If I were a teacher or a kid, I'd be beyond thrilled. But I've had summer break for 5.5 years. I'm ready for school to start.

That's all for now.
I'll try to throw some current pictures up soon.

Does anyone want to know anything else about what's been going on with the Amicks?

Any ideas/recommendations for future blog posts?

I currently have 533 unread blog posts in my Google Reader. So if you have a blog and I usually read/comment...I may get around to it. I'll probably skim and not comment until I weed through them enough to actually be able to read and comment. I hope I didn't miss anything too important!!


  1. Funny this afternoon, I was thinking about you and your family. Thinking I had missed your blogs somehow.... Good to see you back. I can relate to having a busy summer and posting photos on facebook.

    Have a great day.

  2. Ha. Summer vacation for 5.5 years. Me too! I've already said it, but I'm glad you're writing again. You make me laugh. If we lived closer I'd have you and your boys over to play and we could drink iced tea lemonade while they played. I mean that in the best non-stockerish sort of know that right. :)

  3. Enjoyed reading the update on your growing family.
