Monday, January 18, 2010

The reason for my absence...

We've been a little busy.

With normal stuff.

You know, like running races (them, not me), meeting characters, and riding giant rides.

In the happiest place on earth.

Wow, do I miss it!


  1. These pictures are so awesome. My favorite is of you and Andrew in the tea cups. You have totally inspired us to go this Christmas when Lauren is older!

  2. oh my, that looks like fun. I want to take Noah to meet Woody, Buzz and Jessie. you are looking great.

  3. That pregnancy pic is gorgeous! Thomas is looking great, too! The Disney photos are all cute - you look cold, but happy!!

  4. Love these pictures and the fact that you three have this very special week you shared together to remember forever. Such happy times for your sweet family. So proud of Matthew's time in the race, too.

  5. It looks like all of you had a great time. From the way you guys are dressed, it must've been a bit cold. I love the picture of Andrew and Snow White (I think that's who she is. I'm actually not sure. Remember I have all boys too so I'm not familiar with 'girly' stuff!). Anyway, whichever character she is, Andrew looks completely smitten! :)

  6. I just think it's sad that Benjamin wasn't included. He would have loved it too!

  7. Okay, so I actually looked for myself in the background of your photos!! We saw the runners running from our hotel window on Sunday morning. Or should I say in the middle of ARCTIC WINTER. I wish I'd have known you were there and I could have given you a big hug!

    And how terribly guilty do I feel right now that we didn't go see that Cars thing you took a picture of? My poor 3 year old son got autographs of PRINCESSES. sheesh. All the more reason to go back again!

  8. Looks like you guys had soooo much fun!!!

  9. I loved looking at these pics again!! :) (I had looked on facebook!!)

    Sounds like such a fun trip! I totally want to go to Disney now for sure.... I will have to get all kinds of pointers from you whenever we do get to go!

  10. I don't quite know what it is, but this post made me teary. I think it's because I think you're little family of practically 5 is just so precious Angela and well...marathons and Disney just get me to go all weapy...and that blasted song in the back....OY VEY! Anyway, I'm so glad you guys enjoyed your trip and what a special memory that you and Andrew got to see it for the first time together!!!!!

  11. The castle pictures are so pretty...and the Mickey ice cream looks so yummy!

  12. I have been MIA too - just normal "life" stuff! Love the Disney pics, makes me want to go back again! And YUM the marshmallow rice krispie Mickey! The BEST! Hope you are feeling well!

  13. Great pics! So glad y'all had a great trip!

  14. Love the pictures! I think my favorite is you and Andrew on the teacups. That's a keeper!

    Welcome back.

  15. I am still a little miffed I did not get to plan with you more... Put more pics on - I love them.

  16. The pictures are just fantastic! Looks like such a blast!
