Not only do I not care to have others anonymously question my parenting skills (i.e., whether we should have taken Benjamin to Disney with us), I am
sick and tired of the SPAM comments. (I have to go through and manually delete them, and it is getting to be too much.) I do not wish to know how to make millions from home or to see entire comments full of Greek letters.
Therefore anonymous, I bid you adieu.
But instead of removing the anonymous feature from my blog altogether, I am going to turn on my comment moderation. That means I will have to approve all comments before publishing them. That way
my mother and my friend Melissa Cate people can still use the anonymous feature without creating a Google account.
I've been working on a few posts in my head for awhile. I hope to get all my thoughts down on the blog soon before the pregnant brain takes over forever and I forget it all. :)
P.S. I am loving my brother's fake spam comment. HA!!!
Dang, so I can't leave 87dkhkj348978-dfj3= as a comment any longer and hope you understand the code?
ReplyDeleteAh man. :)
I've been leaning towards that too... for now I just put all posts over a week old on moderation. We'll see if I need to change it to all posts. I am SO sick of spam!!!!
ReplyDeleteI've been using the comment moderation from the beginning-love it. I don't get a ton of spam but I did get one recently written in chinese-nice!
ReplyDeleteSorry someone has been hassling you!! And spam comments???? I don't think I've ever gotten one but doesn't sound like fun at all!
ReplyDeleteYour friend Melissa Cate, is her mom by any chance Elaine L??? I think I work with her mom and dad!! :) Could be someone different but I'm pretty sure that's their daughter's name!
I noticed that you didn't take Benjamin but I think it was a smart decision. He's way too young to appreciate Disney. I never would've taken any of my boys at his age either. I'm sure he'll get his turn when he's older! :)
ReplyDeleteWe are going to Disney in April. I am so excited. I don't blame you for not taking Ben. Your pregnant and also have a toddler. I am sure he enjoyed his time with your parents. He got lots of lovin.
ReplyDeletewhy do people waste their time leaving negative comments? your an amazing mother and you did what was best for your family. heck, my kids would love to spend a week at my parents house, to them it is just as good as going on vacation.
ReplyDeleteHEY! gREAT Post.- The Amicks,
ReplyDeleteIf you're interested in getting your blog ranked, go to
Rob (I'm a nice guy)
My dearest friend ANGela your highness, it is imperative as such that you respond forthwith to this very important message of response. I am but a lowly king of a small country in the middle of the eastern westernmost tip of the congo, near bermuda. If you would so much as be kind to send me as much AMERICAN DOLLARS as possible out of the kindness of your kindest of high hearts, and I will thereby refund thus monies plus double them we would be so grateful.
ReplyDeleteTell Anonymous where to go. Or send them to me, I'll tell 'em.
Your most honorable servant in lowliness,
Heather Abutti Renata Regata Philange
That's nutso that people comment on your parenting skills! Really?? I read your blog long before meeting at Diana's girl's night out. In my head I always thought "She looks like the cutest, sweetest mom!" Craaaazy!
ReplyDeleteApparently Anonymous hasn't been reading your blog for very long. Otherwise they would have already known what an amazing mother you are and not have made comments about your parenting. Don't let them get you down. Those that matter would never question your decisions, especially not anonymously in a comment. I'm glad you're back and loved all the Disney pics!
ReplyDeleteLooks like you've been having a blast. I'm glad to see you back to blogging, even if it's infrequently! Your blog is still one of my favorites. Oh, and you have a super cute bump! March 26 is coming soo fast! I can hardly believe it, it feels like you just announced your pregnancy. Are you doing a nursery for Thomas? Sorry to hear that people are leaving spammy/rude/dumb comments. I think you're wise to moderate!
ReplyDeleteLong time lurker... DownSyn connection. I can't believe anyone thought you should take B.!
ReplyDeleteLast summer my niece and nephew wanted me to go WITH them to Disney so I could help with the then two and half year old "angel". I told them it made much more sense to just leave her home with me. They agreed and had a great time with their five year old. Kids under 3 remember nothing and don't enjoy eating out, being stuck in a hotel room, and waiting in lines!!
A big BAH HUMBUG to the people who can't keep their mouths shut if they can't say anything nice. Hope the pregnancy is treating you well!
ReplyDeleteMaybe Benjamin and Zachary should form a "left behind" club. We have clearly neglected them both these past few years. Your pics look just like that you all had such a great time. Cherish the memories!
ReplyDeleteI feel honored that you allow me to give my "two cents". My comment is that you should have taken ME to Disney...sheesh some friend!!!
ReplyDeleteM Cate
I don't understand why anyone would leave a negative comment on someone elses blog. The rudeness!
ReplyDeleteOn happier matters....I can't believe you are 30 weeks already! I guess it probably feels a long time to you, but goodness...only 66 days to go. I can't wait to "meet" this little man of yours.
How are you feeling? I hope you're getting the occasional night of good sleep. Loved all the Disney photos, it looks as if you all had an amazing time. What a wonderful memory for you all. Looking forward to reading your posts that you have waiting in the wings. Meredy xo.