Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Wanna see cute and funny?

Click HERE to view the 4th annual Crosby Family Christmas photos.

Username: Crosby (case sensitive)
Password: 9608

You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll wish your brothers were cool like mine.

For those of you who aren't that familiar with my family, here is a quick run-down:

Obviously the old folks are my mom and dad. J/K--they're not really that old. Although my mom does have quite a milestone birthday coming up in April. I won't say how old, but let's just say it ends in a zero.

Then there is my older brother Michael. He is the one in the black sweater, and he has no facial hair. His wife of almost three years is Edie. The hilariously cute (yes it's okay to laugh that he's screaming) baby is Jack, their son who is seven months old. Poor guy. It was his naptime. The oldest three children are from Edie's first marriage. In order of age are Abbie (11), Ashlyn (9), and Davis (6).

Then there are the Amicks. I believe you are already familiar with us. Poor Benjamin woke up that morning with bright red cheeks. And neither of my boys really smile all that well for professional pictures. Benjamin can sure light up a room and smiles huge quite often for candid shots, but when you actually pay money, you're kind of out of luck with him. Oh, well.

The facial-haired fellow is my younger brother, Justin. He is the mastermind behind the silly shots each year. In case you missed our silly shot from last year, click HERE.

And that is us in a nutshell. Crazy to think that four short Christmases ago it was only my parents and us three children plus Matthew. (I was pregnant w/Andrew.) Then BOOM in one Christmas I had a son and my brother had a wife AND three kids. But boy are we glad--we love them all! In fact, the reason it is 1:51 in the morning and I am up writing a blog post is b/c Edie and I were over at Mom's; the three of us were wrapping Christmas presents together. We're all going to hate ourselves in the morning, but we sure are glad we got a lot done! (Not that we're finished....)

Oh, and let me leave you with something to make you laugh.

All along, I have thought that this baby I'm carrying is a girl. I've pretty much called her Katherine from the start. Edie always laughs and says that if Katherine is born with a penis, she's going to have a complex. Anyway, our boy name is Thomas. So the other night, when Mom, Matthew, Edie, and I were out late at like midnight, eating at Steak N Shake after Christmas shopping, we decided that the baby should be called TomKat. But for short we can call it Suri.



  1. Having a family that cool should be illegal.

  2. Okay seriously I want to meet you and your family. I'll see you on the 10th for the girl's night out. I Loved the pictures. What a sweet family and I about rolled on the floor laughing at the funny ones!

  3. i love the pictures!!! looks like a fun day! you are so lucky to have an amazing family!!! and i laughed so hard about tomcat!!! so funny!!! i think it is a girl too!

  4. Okay, this year's funny shot blows last years out of the water! Hysterical!

  5. I'm already looking forward to 2010's shoot!
    Wow - you weren't kidding about B's cheeks being red. Did it go away?

  6. I love the family pictures. All of them are great, and I think it is an AWESOME tradition! And the funny pictures...HILARIOUS! I love love love them!

  7. We are not old!! Just older than you and your brothers. It is great to get out all four albums and see how much the babies change each year. Last year Baby B was just a little round pumpkin and now he is a big boy getting regular haircuts! Andrew's face is getting long and thin. Umm. Think he looks just like his daddy?? Love all of the babies we have! God has richly blessed us with wonderful family members! Most of the time! :)

  8. LOL, what a good post! Loved the pics!

  9. What fun pictures! You have a fantastic family. I'm green with envy. I hope my boys are as close when they're grown as you are with your brothers.
