Friday, October 23, 2009

Swallow study = good

Sorry for the delay: Andrew's swallow study went fine. He ate the foods well and passed w/flying colors. They said all looked normal. So I talked to his pediatrician and she said that it's probably a combination of small mouth/throat vs large tonsils. We're going to wait until summer and see an ENT about removing the tonsils. Meanwhile, we're giving him soft foods in small portions.

More later about other things...just busy right now w/laundry and dishes. You know, the usual. :)


  1. I feel the need to comment in both places. I am so happy that everything went well. I just hope God sends you the patience to deal with slow, picky eating.

  2. AMEN on the laundry and dishes!! Glad all went well

  3. i'm glad the swallow study went well. i also hope that it is that he's just a picky eater and no need for surgery.

  4. I'm glad Andrew's swallow study went well.

  5. Great news on the swallow study. Hope you've had a great weekend with your family and have managed to put your feet up at some stage. Meredith xo.

  6. Glad the study went okay.

    P.S. The price tag said $200.00 but it was on sale--- entry in check book said $129.00 but normally I spend less the $50.00.
    So I guess It best keep me warm. :)
