I dropped a chipper Andrew off at preschool, and Benjamin and I headed first to Sonic. There's something about having coupons for fast food that makes me think I have to have it! Plus I was super hungry.
So I used my $0.99 breakfast burrito coupon and got a bacon/cheese breakfast burrito. And let me tell you; there was no shortage of bacon, and that made the baby and me very happy. I also ordered a medium Dr. Pepper. It was cold and fizzy. When I placed my order, the lady asked me if I'd like to add a small tator tots for $0.99. I had a Napoleon Dynamite flashback and then answered, "Yes, I would." I put a dollop of ketchup on each individual tot as I savored their crispy goodness.
Then we went to Hobby Lobby where I bought some more autumn decorations. Everything was on sale!
Then it was 10:00 and the mall was open. Benjamin was starting to get fussy, but we had one more stop before he could snooze a little in the car. We ran into Dillard's where I picked up my pre-ordered Clinique makeup and bonus at customer service. And a quick elevator ride so mommy could go to the potty.
Benjamin fell asleep literally as soon as I put him in the car seat. He slept for about twenty minutes as I drove home and ran inside to collect Andrew's library books, which were due yesterday.
Then we drove 1/2 mile down the road to the library where he woke up b/c they were doing yardwork and it was super loud. He was content in the stroller while I found some more books for Andrew.
Then it was off to fill up the van with gas and grocery shop. (I told you we were productive!!) I fed him a snack while the van filled up with gas, and he managed to do well at Walmart b/c he had just had a snack and a quick nap.
Only one more stop! I had to stop by my parents' house to drop off some groceries for my mom and some library books for my dad.
We then had one hour at home for lunch before we had to leave to get Andrew from preschool! I tell you what I learned from this day:
1. I don't know why I ever thought having one kid was hard.
2. I love preschool.
3. I am so glad I chose the preschool that is five hours long (twice a week). There's no way I could do that much in three hours. I mean, what is the point??
4. Sonic is really, really good when it's 9 a.m. and you're pregnant and starving and minus a kid.
Next week I don't have anything planned on A's preschool days, and I rarely have that many errands to run, so I'm not sure what we'll do. The following week, I have a doctor's appt on Tues during preschool (measurements for the nuchal fold), and Benjamin has a follow-up appt with his surgeon on Thurs during preschool.
Another great thing about preschool is that I can very often schedule doctor's appointments for when Andrew is there. Which is a good thing, because between my pregnancy and Benjamin's issues, we have quite a few of those pesky appointments.
OKAY! (I warned you that it was a long recap!)
Here are my added autumn decorations. I'm not horribly crazy about their size. I wish they were twice the size they are, but I just couldn't afford the really big stuff. Maybe I'll add a couple of bales of hay somewhere later and that will help.
This morning, it has been very overcast and about 70 degrees. Ahhhh...lovely. So this morning before I showered and before Andrew even changed out of his pajamas, we went out to put out the new decorations.
It took a few tries to get the position right, so Andrew and I ran up and down the driveway (to see the view from the road) about ten times before I was satisfied.
Here is the close-up view:
From the yard:
From the road: (Notice the barren and pitiful flowerbox around my mailbox...)
Okay, my green-thumbed friends. I need help. Surely it can't be that hard. It's just some sparse mulch and weeds that are close to the surface b/c we just pulled them.
I need very dumbed-down, step-by-step advice about what to do to prepare the ground, and very specific advice about what to buy. (Preferably something inexpensive and VERY low-maintenance!) I'm envisioning maybe two brightly colored flowering plants, one on each side. But nothing that I have to fool with a lot. It doesn't have to be the kind that comes back each year. I don't mind removing it and/or replacing it if that's easier than cutting it back. Or whatever that thing is called.
And now a few fun shots.
Andrew in his pajamas and generic Target Crocs.
My favorite shot of the day, which is now my desktop wallpaper. After running up and down the driveway almost a dozen times, I was happy with the position of everything. So I went inside to get the camera. I took several shots and Andrew said, "Take a picture of us running!!!" So I set the timer, and got a perfect shot the first time!! Please pardon my frumpiness. :)
I love the running shot too fun! I also have to say the three hour school is short, but any longer would make me have to wake Ellie from her nap. This way I can get both girls home and "hopefully" get them to nap at the same time!
You have a beautiful home & I love the fall decor. I am not much help on the gardening. I like inside work, not outside. LOL! Great pics!
I'm impressed with your fall decorating. The only decorations we have are Christmas stuff.
I'm already beginning to feel like having only two kids with me is a piece of cake. Funny how your perspective changes. I guess it is always one less than you have :)
The decorations look great! I'm glad you didn't wait until mid Sept like those autumn-start-date-sticklers said to!
I don't garden at all.. the only thing I thought to suggest would be mums for fall colors. I hate digging in dirt and worms and dirty fingernails...
I love the shot of you guys running and having fun! You are one of "Those" moms!!!! Love it!!!
It looks great! I think some bales of hay would be perfect! :)
I suggest either pansies or mums for your fall flowers. Both are hardy and low-maint. and do well in this general area through the fall and winter. I prefer mums, though, because pansies just look like spring-y flowers to me. I don't think pansies come back on their own, but mums do. I can't wait to put out some mums here at our new house (it's our first fall here!), but I'm waiting until the weather cools a bit more. I don't think they'd do well when we're still having days where it gets close to 90 degrees. Good luck!
-Elizabeth in NC, III
I love the running shot!! Priceless. I am so with you on the many of your points. One kid was sooooo easy!! I feel like I get to have that again with just Ella while my older kids are in school for 6 1/2 hours. The problem is that all hell breaks loose once they are all home. Also 3 hours isn't enough time to do anything. You just sit and worry about how little time you have so why even start a project!! Enjoy every minute of it before this baby is born.
I think they are the right size. Twice as big and they might scare small children.
Pansies are cheap and hard to kill. They should be on sale now too. You dig a hole and put them in it.
Oh my gosh, Dr. Brody was your doctor too!!!! This is so funny because I saw your picture on facebook under Dr. Brody's babies group! And then I saw your blog the other day and instantly recognized you....We all need to hang out in real life with Amanda too!
I eat my tater tots the same way. So delicious! Makes me want to run to Sonic right now.
Love your fall decor! I need to get out and do that myself.
I would get some mums for around the mailbox. I can't help with the step by step and my hubby (who used to work @ a nursery and knows way too much about mums and such) is asleep. Our mailbox is brick with a planter on each side and I'm just setting the whole pot down in there. Can't wait to see more pics!
Love the running shot!!!
I would put mums at the mailbox. Yes they do come back every year I would still plant a spring/summer flower in there come May. You can get some mums pretty cheap at home depot. It will continue with your beautiful fall decor! Also besides just digging and turning the soil you really shouldn't have to do anything.
Angela...read your blog today...so funny...when I was pregnant with Luke I was addicted to Sonic for breakfast...because of all the bacon on my sandwich:) It brought back great memories of even eating them for dinner:)
I love Clinique and I love their bonuses too. It's been too long since I have been to their counter. Love the decorations!
What a GREAT shot!!!! I love it...frumpiness and all!
Decorations look so great!!!! I don't see anything wrong with the size either! I think the wreath looks great!
As for the mailbox...it's almost time for pansies! They are the prettiest little flowers and do great through the winter! Pack them in and they'll multiply! Buy darker colors as the lighter ones show too easier when the blooms wear off. Very low maintenance!
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