Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Wordless Wednesday


  1. Two cuties!! They are both so sweet!

    Thanks for your comment and adding me to your reader ;) I have been a follower for awhile now and enjoy reading about your family! I hope you are feeling well!

  2. Beautiful boys! They are just gorgeous. I sometimes feel like hanging off the fridge too - especially around dinner time. Meredith xo.

  3. Andrew looks gooooood with a soap-hawk! :) I love the pics! And I'm impressed with Andrew's spelling!

  4. I love your funny pics of the boys! The shampooo hair is too funny!

    Brandon isn't doing the Frog because we will be either on the cruise or coming home, I can't remember which day it is. He was really wanting to do it so he's been looking for anything else to do. He did okay on the swimming and running (he said he was too tired to run too fast!) and did really well on the biking. His transition times were really good too. He did not practice the swimming part but about twice so he's lucky that he did that well! :)

    That is too funny you found me on facebook! I just signed up yesterday because I am trying to put a page together for our class reunion but as you can see I didn't do it correctly!!! I don't know if I want to keep my own page on there or not...... ?? What do you think?

    Now who's the longest commenter ever??? :)

  5. Love Andrew hanging off the fridge in his undies! Too cute! Max likes to hang off the front door. Boys!!!!

  6. I think I need some of those camo undies!

  7. omg...firefighter is my FAV! Adorable!

  8. Oh gosh, Andrew hanging onto the fridge is hilarious. What in the world prompted that?
