Friday, August 28, 2009

What my two boys have been up to lately...


  1. They are growing on each other :).

  2. Isn't the bond between two brothers the best?!?! I love watching my two guys together, and seeing yours makes my heart smile! Andrew & Benjamin are so lucky to have each other!

  3. How sweet! So, I want to know how your house is always so clean with no toys on the floor? Also, where are the first day of school pics?? :)

  4. How nice--they will always be so close! I love watching my girls playing together--good memories!

  5. So cute and how exciting that Ben is getting around on foot!!!! I must have missed that he was doing this?

  6. awww, your boys are so sweet! i love that third pic. :)

  7. They seem like such a great team! What sweeties! You are one blessed lady!! (I thought the same thing as Tina.. man, your floor is clean!)

  8. I love them! They are adorable, and look at B! Ahhh! So exciting!!!

  9. Look at B walking!! Yeah B! And I love your new header...very sweet!

  10. I didn't realize Ben was walking - good job Ben. I'm sure that did't come without alot of hard work (and possibly some bruises). Ben will benefit (and most certainly has) from his loving family.

  11. LOVE the blog changes...adore the kissing brother pic...and simply want to gobble the newly toddling steps, my lil Ollie is doing the same walk-hubby calls him "punch drunk" it's good for giggles! They are so cute those boys :)
