I don't really pay attention to mine all that much, but tonight, I noticed that I went over the 50,000 mark (woo-hoo!), so I thought I'd login to my account and look at the past 90 days of activity.
First of all, WHERE in the world are most of these countries? I've never even heard of some of them! Who in the world reads my blog in Malaysia? Or Kuwait? Or Turkey? I mean, Japan and Canada make sense b/c I know people there (SHOUT OUT TO MY CANADIAN PEEPS WHO LIKE TO ADD EXTRA VOUWELS TO WOURDS!!!) but the Bahamas? I can tell you one thing right now. If I were in the Bahamas, I'd have better things to do than to check this blog. Word.
In the past 90 days, the most visited day was July 24, the day after I announced my pregnancy. Awww...thanks, guys.
But, I swear, y'all, the funniest thing in the world was reading the section where it tells you the various ways that people found your blog. Basically, it's a compiled list of Google (and Yahoo) searches with the exact phrases that were typed into the search engines, thus returning my blog as a result.
The most common ones made absolute sense and weren't funny at all:
- angela amick blog
- weight watchers
- amicks-benjamin-down syndrome
Then there were the ones that made sense based on my posts but they were still kinda funny:
- broccoli cause spitting up
- peanut butter poop
- pediatric rectal temperature
But the best ones...the ones that had me laughing and wondering why some people are allowed to Google...those are the best. And I don't know why some of these are results on my blog. But sometimes I do blog while intoxicated. (Kidding...I've never even been intoxicated.)
- achy eye sockets
- mommy's footie pajamas
- girly undated daily planners
- nude repairman
- pizza boob
- angela got fat from braveheart
Before I hit "publish," I wanted to ask you, my reader, for a favor.
See, I read a lot of blogs. More than I probably should. I *try* to comment on most of the ones I read. The ones that have only a handful of faithful followers, and those that attract the masses. I love it when the author of a blog replies to something that I comment on, or emails me, or at least acknowledges that I am reaching out to her. (I say that b/c most of the blogs I read are authored by females.) It's validating, you know?
But sometimes I comment. And comment. And ask questions. And make witty remarks ('cause that's how I roll). And nothing.
Listen, I know people are busy. So I try not to get my feelings hurt. And I usually don't. But sometimes that 13-year-old creeps out and suddenly I'm at a middle school dance in my flowery pink dress listening to Whitney Houston and wondering why no boy is asking me to dance. Because we're all human and when we reach out to others, especially consistently, it's nice to be acknowledged.
So then I started thinking about my commenters. And you know what, I probably do the same darn thing. There are some of you who faithfully read and comment on my constant blabber and I have never reached out to you. To read your blog. To see pictures of your kids. To acknowledge you.
And for that I am sorry. Sometimes this blogging thing goes to my head.
SO PLEASE....leave me a comment and tell me these things:
--Your name (first name is fine)
--Where you live (just general area)
--How you found my blog (Please tell me if you think I got fat from Braveheart.) and why in the world do you keep coming back? LOL
--Your blog address (if you have one) or even just your email if you only have email
--Anything else you want to add
--Why in the world would anyone Google "pizza boob"? (Incidentally, I did a search on my blog, and I have never typed the word 'boob' until this post. Ever. It's actually kinda freeing. I might do it more often. Boob. Boob. Boob. Take that, Googlers.)
Come on, even lurkers...I want to know if you live in Malaysia!!! And even those who I DO acknowledge (Diana....LOL), please leave me a comment, too.
Because there is nothing worse than standing there in that sweaty gym all alone.
Hi, Angela!
ReplyDeleteMy name is Alex Shaver,and I live in Greeneville, TN. I am being specific, because I remember talking with you on the March 2006 Birthday Club on Babyzone (my name was Thornton's Mommy), and you told me that you had dated a guy from Tusculum College in Greeneville years ago. I, obviously, found your blog through my years of lurking on Babyzone. I always loved reading your updates on your boys, so when I found the link to your blog about the time of Benjamin's heart surgery I became a loyal reader! I love looking at all of your pictures, and especially enjoy when you post pictures taken in Chattanooga, as this is where my husband's family lives, and we visit often. I don't have a blog, but I do have a facebook account- Alex Stringer Shaver-, and my email address is jewelrygirl25@gmail.com. Thanks for pulling me out of the shadows!:) Keep on bloggin'!
Well, my name is Erin, I live in Iowa, I found your blog through our unexpected journey, I keep coming back because, well, I just like to read your posts and your little one is about the same age as mine and had OHS in the same month, my blog is www.zacanderinharlan.blogspot.com, and I am also very very bad about leaving comments...and have also never googled pizza boob, and yes, it is quite freeing to type it! LOL
ReplyDeleteHi Angela,
ReplyDeleteI'm Christia & I live in Iowa. I know you from Babyzone! You're my girl. I love your blog, I love your boys and I love you! My blog is
http://www.lifewithboyspalizzi.blogspot.com but I've been seriously negligent in keeping it up to date.
Babies cry for it, grown men die for it...
Hello Angela,
My name is Michael Crosby. I am your brother. I live just down the street. I don't think you got fat from Braveheart, but Mel Gibson did.
Blogging can be liberating, so let's see ya get to 100,000 hits, shall we?
ReplyDeleteI live in sweltering hot Scottsdale, AZ
I know you from our DDC on BZ ;)
This post cracked me up. I'm going to go check mine now. lol
--Why in the world would anyone Google "pizza boob"?
I don't know, but I had to stifle tons of laughter because my hubby is sitting here and I didn't want him to think I'm nuts. (Or more nuts)
My name is Betty and I live in Birmingham, AL but I am from Ringgold, GA. I found your blog through family (Jane Frye, Beth Chapp, Susan Morris). My blog address is mattandbetty.blogspot.com
ReplyDeleteMy mother in law (Susan Morris) worked with your mom (and maybe you?) and I love reading your blog. So realistic, so funny, and my dream! (SAHM and in Ringgold to boot!)
Some how from reading the previous comments I feel as though I am at some sort of AA meeting (except we are blog addicts). Well on with the details.
ReplyDeleteHi, I am Diana. I am real life friend, who would love this blog even I had never meet you in real life.
Yes, I do blog. My last blog was on Wednesday. It was a lazy one with only pictures. (A picture is worth a thousand words right?)
I live in your neck of the woodds.
I am dying to try to google things to find my blog. Pizza boobs should be interesting.
Most importantly I love you and your family and everything you touch is like little gifts from God.
and I sell bows
Hi Angela--I take a look at my site counter sats every once in a while and it is interesting seeing where people are from!! My name is Jenn and I am from WV. My blog is-- therandolphsix.blogspot.com I think I found you through Kellys Korner--maybe Show us Where you Live. I am trying to think back. If you have never participated in show us where you live--I am really, really sorry!! I found you somewhere else then--my brain is MUSH--I have 4 kids and I have no mind left--lol! But, I know I didn't find you through googling pizza boobs! What is that about anyway?? You have a nice family and I enjoy reading your posts--you keep it real!
PS--I understand about that whole comment thing--its tricky!
I'm Priscilla and I'm your aunt. And I just LOVE you tons and tons. Seriously, you keep me up-to-date with your family, and since I'm way up here in Virginia, that means a lot to me. It makes the times in between seeing you and the rest of the family bearable. And your blog makes me laugh and sometimes it makes me cry, but that's OK; that's what family is all about. Give the boys (and that includes Matthew) hugs from me. Love ya muchly.
ReplyDeleteHi, my name is Verna and when you ask how I got to reading your blog? Well, probably because you commented on someone else's blog, and I occasionally do blog hopping from comments left on other blogs.
ReplyDeleteYour blog made me smile, and when I have a bad day at work, it always refreshes me to get on the blogs with little ones and see their smiles.
I am expecting my first grandchild in Jan. 2010. I have worked the nursery at church and done tons of baby sitting for the gal who works with me.
I live in Decatur, Illinois.
Keep up the blogging.Love it.
Verna From Coleman2 just click on my name above and drop on over and see my two blogs the Coleman2 - a little bit of everything and the one on Things I have made. Listed on my side bar with the Lord's Supper picture.
Hi Angela!
ReplyDeleteThis is Elizabeth, I know you from the April DDC/BDC. I live in NC. I check your blog (frequently) because you make me laugh and your kids are precious and funny and I like your willingness to be so open and honest and real. You and I share a lot of the same OCD tendencies and your awesome weight loss journey inspired me to continue with mine (9 lbs to go!). Also, you link to a lot of other blogs I like to read, and your blog has that handy dandy feature where I can just scroll through and see if any of them have updated recently. :)
I'm working on blogging, but I'm just not happy with how it's going yet. I'll share when I get it figured out. ;)
ReplyDeleteMy name is Steven, I drive a black car, enjoy doing the laundry, & riding roller coasters. I've known you most of your life, but have never found the nerve to tell you (until now). I found your blog when searching for results on "Easy Street" in the movie known only as Annie. I keep coming back to your blog b/c I'm a stickler for the rules of punctuation & grammar & one day, I'm going to expose you to the masses when you finally make a mistake. Have a nice life - Sentence that is!
Hey- you know where I am and who I am but I just wanted to thank you for your comments on my blog while Bennett has been in the hospital. Reading your comments about your experience with Benjamin and his heart surgery has helped so thank you!! I love reading your blog and your status updates on FB, I think you're hilarious!
ReplyDeleteHi! I'm Amanda and I live about 2 miles from you in Ringgold. I found your blog when you commented on mine, I think! I feel terrible that I never comment much on anyone's blog, but I do good to have time to write on mine and at least read a few a day. :-) I seriously want to met you at your appt in my office for Benjamin so I can say hello! So, let me know! My email is AJLedford@mac.com.
ReplyDeleteHey crazy woman!
ReplyDeleteI know you for a LOT of reasons. One being that I was in your mom's 5th grade class, two because I work at Graysville, and three because I'm just cool like that. LOL
I found your blog when your mom was updating us about B's surgery. I became addicted and it was YOU who inspired me to get my own blog! :)
I don't know why anyone would google pizza boobs, but of course now I have to go do it just to see what pops up (other than your blog).
Love ya!
Hello there! My name is Suse (wink wink), I live in Chattanooga, TN and I know you because I know you. Who knew you were so famous?! Malaysia, seriously? The Bahamas? (I would SO be asking those people if you could come meet them in person) Alas, I knew you way back when. I confess it was me who googled "pizza boob" but you really don't want to know why. KIDDING!! The funny thing is that I rarely read your blog (confession time), esp. since you got on facebook (yeah me, for getting you on fb, by the way). Between my family, job, facebook, e-mail and other computer stuff, I just do not do blogs. If I added one more computer related time commitment to my life, I would never see my kids and my house would be condemned. I do read yours and Anna's sometimes but since i keep up with you in real life, I am a not a regular blog visitor. There, I said it. Oh, and I love ya!
ReplyDeleteHi Angela! I have been reading your blog for a while now. I was on BZ for years and I think thats how I found your blog. LOL! I am Jessiey, I live in Vancouver Washington, Braveheart did NOT make you fat and I keep coming back because your kids are so darn cute and you crack me up! My blog is thelifeofjes.blogspot.com. I have no idea why anyone would google pizza boob however it does make for a funny phrase that I may call someone one day when they get on my nerves. Or maybe it is meant as a term of endearment? We may never know.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on your pregnancy. I would have said it earlier but it felt a bit intrusive as you have no idea who I am. Now that you have called out the lurkers though I can say it. Here's to a happy and healthy pregnancy!
I'm Sarah. I live in Ohio. I know you through Babyzone. I like you b/c you're one of the special people, so therefore I like reading about you and your life, and you write so well that I feel like perhaps we really know each other instead of virtually know each other.
ReplyDeleteOnce I googled pizza boob because I dropped a hot pepperoni on my boob and wanted to know if I'd damaged them. That's not true.
My blog is www.babykinzer.blogspot.com
I also have the tendency to stand on the wall and wonder about comments too.
HiiEEEeeee! For starters, I've no idea how I linked to your blog. I often follow blogrolls until I'm lost in the midst of something that speaks to me and then favorite it. You're in my favs :)
ReplyDeleteName is Randi..RF...I live in beautiful Northern California. The Bahamas thing cracks me up! Someone getting a blog fix on vacation maybe?
Pizza Boob. Perhaps a new form of nude art? Like a nude cake sculpture? Pepporoni would make nice...yeah...I don't know. Can not justify that one. Bet you'll get a lot more boob a holics on your site now tat you've said boob so much lol!
Here's my addy...come visit me sometime :)
Hi...I am Jennifer and I live in E.Brainerd and I went to Graysville Elem and my brother who is 8 years younger had your mom for a teacher at Graysville. His name is Patrick.. I knew who you were in school and foud your blog through fcebook.. Girl, you encourage and inspire me....my blogs are not as intersting as yours...you could be a writer...but I have a blog also.
Keep on writing...You have motivated me to exercise...22 pounds gone!
Jennifer Pollard Talley
ReplyDeleteIt's Claire Roberson Wood. We went to UTC together and both participated in Campus Crusade for Christ. I don't remember if I found your blog from Facebook or a link of a link. Anyhoo, glad I found it. Hope to hear from YOU soon!
It's Laura from Murfreesboro. I left you a comment a few weeks ago about Benjamin's swallow study and you replied to me about Cara and Avery (on my blog, mattandlaurasblog.blogspot.com). I think I found you through Katie's blog. I was clicking on blogs that had interesting titles (as your's often does). I keep reading because I love your story, writing, and honesty. I am so excited for you and your little Katherine or Thomas!
ReplyDeleteHi Angela,
ReplyDeleteI'm JILL and I'm another BabyZone fan. I have been reading you faithfully - sometimes clicking a lot to wait for updates. that may be why you have soooo many clicks from coastal NC!
I have to admit something to you - the first thing I do when getting your blog open is scroll down and shut off hte music. Sorry, but truthful.
I have a blog, but only last week did I share the address with my family even. I've been writing for 6 months about the twins. I'm too scared to post it here just yet. (bock bock - that's me, a chicken)
Hi Angela! I'm Aishlea- and I don't remember how I found your blog! Maybe through Kelly's Korner or something??? Anyhow, we've commented back and forth, emailed, and I love your blog! :) I am from Trenton GA and my blog is spurgin060808.blogspot.com
ReplyDeleteWe just checked the results of the race today and your hubs did great! I am about to post some pics so maybe he is in there somewhere??? It was very exciting to watch and you should have came on down- I would have helped you with the boys!
Hi Angela!
ReplyDeleteIt's Jennifer from BZ. I live in the burbs of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. I always read your blog though I don't always comment. I love reading updates on your boys and I can't wait to read more about your pregnancy.
My blog is brencart.blogspot.com It's such a great way to keep friends and family updated on my boys' adventures.
Hi! It's Elizabeth from BZ, mommy to Tyler. I love your blog and read it from time to time :) I'm from NC. My blog is lifewith2redheads.blogspot.com.
ReplyDeleteHi Angela, I'm not sure what's better today, reading your post or reading the comments:) This is Joyce and tonight I am solo as I dropped Sarah off at camp today. To tell you the truth I cannot remember how we found you, but you post pictures and that makes Sarah very happy. She hates when there are just words, because then I have to read them to her and truthfully, mostly I lie and make up a story because it is just easier for me and keeps her from asking a million questions. Oh and we are from South Euclid, an east side suburb or Cleveland, Ohio.
ReplyDeletehello there,
ReplyDeletei am shannon from MA. we go way back :)
i love your blog! i love your stories and pictures... you rock girl!!!
ReplyDeleteIt's Tina. Live in Rossville. Let's see we met somewhere around 1997 at UTC. I read your blog but I am not one to leave comments usually. :) I am a blog stalker I guess. I just like to see what other mom's are up to!
I have a blog but wasn't sure if you knew about it. It is thecabushfamily.blogspot. I had no idea I could keep track of who visits my blog. :)
Wait... you have two Elizabeths from BZ who live in NC?? Well now I'm just bummed. I thought I was special. ;)
ReplyDeleteI think you know all that stuff about me already! :) I just wanted to say, if you don't know already, that if you ask me a question in my comments I answer it in my Q&A posts. So I'm not ignoring you, promise! :) (Oh, and I didn't get the Simply Thick out last week, but I will this week! Promise!)
ReplyDeleteLets see..
ReplyDeleteI'm Natasha and I'm from Northern California. I have absolutely no idea how I found your blog. It might have been mentioned at another blog I read or something. I read many so I've lost track of how I got started.
I have no kids, but love them and think your boys are adorable. I've read every single one of your posts. That might sound creepy, but really, it's just representative of too much free time during the summer (I'm a college student). Your writing style is entertaining and you are well spoken. Your kids plus your writing has kept me hooked :) By the way, I found a grammar mistake on a George Foreman grill box the other day and thought of you! I might have to take a picture of it.
Pizza boob is hilarious and I have no idea why anyone would ever need to say that! I doubt I've ever even thought or spoken those two words in the same sentence before.
Congrats on your pregnancy and I'm looking forward to hearing more from you. I might even consider de-lurking on occasion (is that a word? Probably not!)
My name is Jill. I live in the Midwest, and I'm not sure how I found your blog. I believe either a comment you left on MckMama's or Bring the Rain website. I read (and keep coming back) because I feel like some of your posts I could've written myself. My son was born with a chromosomal abnormality in May of '08 and sometimes when you write posts, I'm sayin to myself 'amen sister'! My blog address is soldatke6.blogspot.com. Thanks for keeping it real!
ReplyDeleteMy name is Renee' and I live in Western North Carolina in the beautiful mountains. I found your blog through Our Unexpected Journey. I don't have a blog yet but would love to but don't really have any interesting things going on in my life. I have a daughter who is seven and will be starting the second grade in a week and a half. My e-mail is tarheelfan1200@yahoo.com. I love reading your blog. You have the most interesting things to say. I want to thank you for allowing me to read your blog. God Bless you and your beautiful family.
Oh Angela you are soo funny. I think I found your blog through Facebook. I do not tend to leave comments - not sure why maybe just laziness. But I do enjoy your blog. I love seeing pictures of your boys. And even though I do not get to see you often anymore since we do not live in the same neighborhood it is nice to somewhat "catch up" through your blog. Benjamin appears to be such a joy and is just beautiful and Andrew seems to be full of life. Lets just hope they do not act like Michael . . .LOL J/K Michael if you happen to read this. I will try to comment more.
ReplyDeleteAllison Tate
My name is Angie from Oregon and I think I found you through Kelly's Korner recently. You make me laugh so I bookmarked you. Also, my uncle who is now in his 40's has DS so you intrigued me.
ReplyDeleteCongrats on your pregnancy and I look forward to reading your posts. You have a sweet family!
My blog:
Hi Angela,
ReplyDeleteIt's Ecki (datri), in Upstate New York.
I know you from Downsyn!
My blog is http://oppositekids.blogspot.com
I read all my Downsyn friends blogs, LOL. Thank goodness for Google Reader!!
Hey...It's Ellen from Ooltewah. We met at BFSG and I have no idea where I found your blog, but obviously through someone else's blog from BFSG.
ReplyDeleteOur blog is http://thekylemosesfamily.blogspot.com/ but I am HORRIBLE at updating. I go in spurts, I guess.
I love your blog because you make it interesting and are very honest with your feelings. And, it's funny, too!
Wow! Awesome comments! : )
ReplyDeleteI think you know me, but I just wanted to say that this post is hilarious! Im pretty sure Im the most immature person in the world bc "pizza boob" is totally cracking me up!
I'm Erica (the one with mail issues!)
ReplyDeleteI live in New Jersey or as people from the north would say The Jersey Shore!
We first met on BZ when pregnant with your Andrew and my Nicholas. The rest is history.
I have to say I am really bad at commenting because I am usually not "signed in" and never can remember my sign in so I don't comment. I do read everyday though!
Love ya!
Hey it's MJ or Mary Jo... you know the online friend that came to stay at your house? We met on babyzone when pregnant with our 1st children. I'm outside of Minneapolis MN.
ReplyDeleteMy blog is
I feel so lucky to have gotten to know you! Thanks for sharing your journey with me personally as well as all these other random people that you have obviously touched.
Hey it's Melissa:) We met on babyzone when we were pregnant with our first babies! My blog is fredericksfamilyoffour@blogspot.com
ReplyDeleteI love reading and I am one of those that reads and doesn't always comment so I am sorry!! I love reading your stories and looking at your pictures:) You guys are one special family and I am thankful to have "met" you! Someday we WILL meet in person. :)
Emily (Katelyn & Savannah's Mommy)...We also met on BZ when pregnant with our 1sts...I followed you here when you said you had a blog. We are FB friends as well...I just love reading about you and your family. Now that BZ has all but died, I've got to keep up with "my girls" in some way so blog following & FB'ing is all I got left, lol...
ReplyDeleteI do not have a blog. I've been tempted to start, but don't think I can find that much interesting stuff to say...
Oh, & I'm from Missouri.
Hi Angela-
ReplyDeleteThis is Kristen from Wisconsin. I found you on Downsyn, where I got seriously addicted to blogs. I kind of want to start one, but I probably won't.
Anyway, your kids are gorgeous and your blog makes me laugh.
Congrats on the pregnancy.
Misty. I am in Knoxville, TN. I actually just found your blog today from (in)courage.
ReplyDeleteMy blog address is
And how did you find the activity? :)
Hey, I am Victoria Mouw and I live in Massachusetts. I found your blog through another blog-I liked one of the comments you left the blogger. I soon realized that I know some of your family (having lived in Chatt, TN until last year). BTW, you are so much funnier than your brother, Justin!:)
ReplyDeleteSeriously, I love reading your blog, and seeing pics of your sweet boys!
I am Lisa and I found your blog through the Babyzone March Birthday Club. I've always enjoyed reading about Andrew, who is my daughter's age, but I absolutely fell in love with Benjamin.
ReplyDeleteWhen I read this post last week, I decided to sign up for GoogleAnalytics. I am not sure if there is a spot for google search phrases, as I am just starting to explore the information.
btw, my blog is www.lisasepiphany.blogspot.com. I also have one that is more about my life as a mom, but I don't update it nearly often enough. It is http://parentingbytheseatofmypants.blogspot.com/
I'm Jenn! I live in Ontario, Canada, eh? I found your blog because you linked to it from FB, and I know you on FB because of the DDC on BZ (Veronica and Benjamin share a birthday, although I think B is a few hours older).
ReplyDeleteI keep coming back because your kids are so darn cute, I love seeing all the photos of them! And I don't think Braveheart could make you fat, or pretty much ANYTHING could... but then again, I'm Canadian, so maybe I'm just being polite!! (LOL, kidding)
I don't blog - I live vicariously through all you other bloggers out there.
Anything I would like to add? Well, I would like to add 2+5. The answer is 7. That's good adding, isn't it?
Hi! I'm Heather (Blessedw5mom). We live in the "frozen tundra" of MN.
ReplyDeleteI blog at
I like your music here!
I found your blog thru a comment you left on MckMama's blog. This is my first visit to your blog. Its very nice to meet you and I do plan to keep comin back. You write so honestly and I think many of us moms just like to know we are not alone. Others out there have the same joys and the same struggles as we do. Not many ladies' coffees or teas, or quilting circles these days ... we blog.
Not sure why anyone would google pizza boob??? I know of a Pizza Bobs ... great pizza in Hawaii. But no, I would never google boob.
I'm Melanie and I found your blog through Babyzone (I've had a few screennames arkansasmommy, then we moved to TN so I changed to KatnKaysMom and then we had Bridget so I changed to melbree). We were in the April 08 DDC together. My 3rd daughter Bridget was born April 17th. We live in Murfreesboro, TN. I read your blog 1) because you're too funny and 2) to see updates about Benjamin.
ReplyDeleteMy blog is
I'm not an awesome blogger but I'm getting better!
ReplyDeleteI read enough of your blog tonight to know I want to keep reading. I know I am not answering all of your questions here, but it still seemed like a good place to say I am going to start reading your blog on a regular basis. May God continue to bless you on your journey. :)
Hey Angela!
ReplyDelete-I'm Laura- I live in the Vancouver area [British Columbia Canada... I'll have to add in additionual vouwels for you!]
-I found your blog via Babyzone... and also FB :) I've read it off and on, but each time I come back I remember that I wanted to plan to read it more! [plans with toddlers around go over really well apparently]
-I've got a blog, though I'll warn you now it's gone seriously downhill since I got pregnant this time- www.householdtreasuresblog.com
-I just wanted to say that you've been an inspiration to me since our pg days at BZ; you've always been such a warm and friendly person [even just through text!], but when I started to read about your life with Benjamin, I was blown away. I have you, singularily, to thank for the encouragement that no matter what this [my second] baby is like, we can make it. As an individual, as a family, we'll make it through, and we'll come out smiling. Thank you.
-Lol- I have NO idea why someone would google 'pizza boob'! Gave me a laugh though :D
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Hi Angela!
ReplyDeleteI found your blog from your facebook account, which I found after I realized Andrew went to school where I teach.
I really enjoy reading your blog and ready about the sweet boys you have. I also like knowing that there is someone out there that documents every moment of their life with pictures as I do. :)
I have a blog, although I am a HORRIBLE blogger. www.houseofcommander.blogspot.com
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