Friday, July 31, 2009

Rain, rain, go away

Normally I don't mind rain. I know we need it, and the sound of it is comforting.

But I am in a wedding tomorrow.

My cousin's wedding.

And it's outside.



Not much else to report here. I am a little worried that Benjamin is getting some more chest congestion. If I still hear a trace of it on Monday, I will call the doctor. I know he is teething so he is a bit snotty. This constant rollercoaster is exhausting.

Especially when you're in the first trimester of your third pregnancy.

And you have an active and very talkative toddler and a baby who gets into everything.

Whoops. I guess that's not quite right. Andrew is a preschooler, not a toddler. But Benjamin is still my baby. So there.


  1. Hope the weather cooperates tomorrow- I think it is supposed to be pretty! Post some pics later!

  2. Hope the rain clears up for tomorrow. Either way I know you'll have a great time with your crazy family!

  3. Hopefully the rain will be far away for the wedding tomorrow!

  4. Third Pregnancy???
    What in the world. Ok, Matthew is getting a piece of my mind! Honestly, I never quite grasped that saying...

  5. Angela--
    I just wanted to let you know how much I love reading your blog!! I found it on facebook a few days ago and have been going back and reading past issues. haha.

    Anyway, I will keep my fingers crossed about the rain...although I do love a rainy night!


  6. i'm kind of sick of the rain too. you aren't by any chance in arkansas too are you?
