Thursday, June 18, 2009

My Talented Friends

(This was auto-posted, as I'm relaxing on the beach right now with my husband while my parents are watching both boys back at home!)

I have many talented friends. Three in particular are Stephanie, Diana, and Heather. Besides being wonderful mommies, gifted bloggers, and great friends, they are all extremely talented.

Stephanie has a business called Mango Tree Frames. She spends hours on each frame, and believe me, they are worth every penny. Just go to the website for proof.

Here is a picture of the frame she gave me when Benjamin was born. It is now hanging in his nursery:

Diana has a business called Appleby Mommy Bows. And even though my boys have no use for hair bows, she makes other things, too, like this cute pacifier clip that she made Benjamin:

Heather has an etsy store called Heatherty Featherty. She is a fantastic seamstress and can whip up an outfit for your toddler, a skirt for you, or a crayon roll for your diaper bag before you have even showered for the day. And her fabric is top-notch. Here are lots of pics from things she has graciously sent me:

Her card

The boys' tie shirts

Benjamin's VW campers bermuda shorts. (Please note that Heather did not specifically make these for Benjamin's round-bellied, short-legged frame. They simply did not fit her toddler so she sent them to me.) They are so cute!!

And my personal favorite of hers thus far: My stylish crayon roll.

So the next time you need a frame, a bow, or an outfit, remember my talented friends. Tell them I sent you. Maybe I'll get some more free stuff. :)


  1. I seriously love my HeathertyFeatherty collection. Love it. Her fabrics are gorgeous, the sewing is solid and the detail is impeccable. At this point, Lily has 6 HF dresses and a pair of HF pants, and I have 2 HF skirts for me! Oh and the crayon roll is PERFECT for cartrips!!!

  2. Must have those bermuda shorts...that is yummy fabric!

  3. You are always the best woman!! Thanks for the props!

  4. Fun! I just saw this. Didn't think you had been blogging!!!
    I am dying to talk to you!

  5. Bonjour I'd like to thank you for such a terrific made site!
    Was thinking this is a perfect way to introduce myself!

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